Online Service text2lesson
Convert any text to exercises in one click
Teach effectively
Tired of searching for additional materials to make your course more relevant to your students?

Spending a lot of time preparing assignments for lessons?

Want to stand out from other teachers and learning platforms?

Try text2lesson, an online service that turns any text into assignments!

All tasks are generated automatically in one click!
It can help you cater for individual needs of each student, their language level and interests.

Save time, earn more and stand out among other teachers using modern technology!
How it Works
Insert any text
Choose the difficulty and types of tasks
Save to file and send to students
You no longer need to browse hundreds of books
in search of a suitable assignment for the student.
The task is generated automatically from any text in one click and adapts to the required difficulty level.
Unlimited CONTENT
You are no longer limited by textbooks with standard texts, now you can create a flexible program for any student or group.
Do you have a group of students with different levels of knowledge?
You can do individual tasks from one text
for each student for a couple of minutes.
Clients Feedback
"I have 12 to 20 students in my language classes. All of them are of different skill levels, aptitudes and learning pace.
Giving them all the same assignments kills motivation and affects outcomes.
Automatic personalization with text2lsson helps me keep all of them motivated and involved in learning activities we do in the classroom."
Amanda Larkins
University teacher
"Learners don't want to learn a language, they want to achieve their goals: to boost their career, to pass exams or to speak with natives while travelling overseas.
Buy you can't create individual program
for every learner: it will take all your time and get you exhausted.
The only solution is automated learning personalization like Text2Lesson, when materials are generated automatically and individual learning 'just happens' on its own."
Samuel Willson
Online tutor
"In a world of hyper-individualization,
the idea of a one-size-fits-all model
of learning and education is shockingly outdated. Individualized approaches
to learning improve learning outcomes, retention, and long-term success
and Text2Lesson definitely helps to make language learning much more individual."
Gerhard Apfelthaler. Ph.D.
Dean School of Management
Practical results
Our partners from "Native English Institute" made research: their students were divided into two groups, one of which studied used our service while the other one did not.
Here are the feedback they left after completing the course.
Improved their skills of
answering the questions in English in their professional field
More relevant to my study needs
Was more helpful for my job
Our group was more involved to the study process.
Successfully finished all course of study:
The group that studied in our service
The group that did not use our service
Try it for FREE!
Do you want to try our technology for free
and make sure for yourself how effective it is?
Do you want routine work of selecting tasks for the text to be done in one click?
Leave your request in the form below and we will contact you!
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